The Card Guessing Game: A generating function approach

Last Update: July 21, 2022

Paper: The Card Guessing Game: A generating function approach

Accompanied Maple program: Shuffle

Sample Input-Output File 1: Section 1, Decks of n cards after 1 shuffle

Sample Input-Output File 2: Section 2, Generating function of deck of n cards

Sample Input-Output File 3: Section 2, Formula in n for D_n^(r) n (q)_q=1

Sample Input-Output File 4: Section 2, Relative error of ForDr(r,s,K,n)

Sample Input-Output File 5: Section 2, Formula of factorial moment E[(X)_r]

Sample Input-Output File 6: Section 2, Formula of moment about the mean E[(X-mu)^r]

Sample Input-Output File 7: Section 3, The number that is most likely to show up next

Sample Input-Output File 8: Section 4, The expected number of correct guesses after k shuffles of deck of 2 (or 3) cards