T2 2024-2025: ICMA253 Statistics for Science II (4 credits)
T1 2024-2025: ICMA445 Simulation in Discrete Mathematics (4 credits) (Teaching 50% of the class)
T2 2023-2024: ICMA393/484 Graph Theory (4 credits)
T1 2023-2024: ICMA354 Actuarial Mathematics II (4 credits)
T3 2022-2023: ICMA353 Actuarial Mathematics (4 credits)
(Cover 1/3 of the class)
T3 2022-2023: ICMA393 Stochastic Processes (4 credits)
T2 2022-2023: ICMA350 Probability (4 credits)
T1 2022-2023: ICMA445 Seminar in Applied Mathematics (2 credits)
T1 2022-2023: ICMA253 Statistics for Science II (4 credits)
T1 2022-2023: ICCS261 Principles of Data Science (4 credits)
(Cover Stats module for 4 weeks)
T3 2021-2022: ICCT102 Mathematics for Creative Technology II (4 credits)
T2 2021-2022: No Teaching
T1 2021-2022: ICMA253 Statistics for Science II (4 credits), On-line
T1 2021-2022: ICMA346 Optimization (4 credits), On-line
T3 2020-2021: ICGN127 Practical Mathematics (2 credits), On-line
T2 2020-2021: ICGN127 Practical Mathematics (2 credits), On-line
T1 2020-2021: ICMA216 Calculus IIIA (2 credits), On-line
T1 2020-2021: ICMA217 Calculus IIIB (2 credits), On-line
T1 2020-2021: ICMA214 Ordinary Differential Equations, On-line
T2 2019-2020: ICGN103 Essential Statistics
T2 2019-2020: ICMA216 Calculus IIIA (2 credits)
T1 2019-2020: ICMA216 Calculus IIIA (2 credits)
T2 2018-2019: ICGN103 Essential Statistics (2 sections)
T1 2018-2019: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics (2 sections),
T1 2018-2019: ICMA214 Ordinary Differential Equations,
T1 2018-2019: ICMA354 Actuarial Mathematics 2 (1/2)
T2 2017-2018: ICMA337 Numerical Methods,
T2 2017-2018: ICMA445 Seminar in Applied Mathematics
T1 2017-2018: ICGE151 Essential Statistics,
T1 2017-2018: ICMA350 Probability
T2 2016-2017: ICMA322 Advanced Calculus
T1 2016-2017: ICGE151 Essential Statistics,
T1 2016-2017: ICMA212/219 Gen. Math 2 (Multivariable Calculus),
T1 2016-2017: ICMA222 Mathematical Software (2/3),
T1 2016-2017: ICMA337 Numerical Methods (1/3)
T2 2015-2016: ICMA424 Abstract Algebra,
T2 2015-2016: ICMA212/219 Gen. Math 2 (Multivariable Calculus)
T1 2015-2016: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics (2 sections),
T1 2015-2016: ICMA212/219 Gen. Math 2 (Multivariable Calculus)
T3 2014-2015: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics,
T3 2014-2015: ICSC303 Statistics,
T3 2014-2015: ICMA222 Mathematical Software (2/3),
T2 2014-2015: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics,
T2 2014-2015: ICSC303 Statistics
T1 2014-2015: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics,
T1 2014-2015: ICSC303 Statistics,
T1 2014-2015: ICMA335 Complex Variables
Summer 2013-2014: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics
T3 2013-2014: ICNS104 Fundamental Statistics,
T3 2013-2014: ICMA222 Mathematical Software (2/3)
Elementary Statistics, Spring 2009