Calculus II, Spring 2009
Assignment 1:
Section 5.1: page 252: 7,9,21,26,31,35,37. (Due Wednesday 28 January).
Assignment 2:
Section 5.2: page261: 16,22,28,34,40,52.
Section 5.3: page266: 16,26,28,34,60,64.
Section 5.4: read page 271-272 and do the following problems
1) Define y=log_a(x)
2) Show log_a(x) = ln(x)/ ln(a), a <> 1
3) Show d( log_a(x))/dx = 1/(xln(a)). (Due Wednesday 4 February).
Assignment 3:
Section 5.4: page 274: 2,8,10,22,24,28,34,42,46.
Section 5.5: page 281: 4,6(a)(b),10,18(a).
Section 5.6: page 288: 2,4,13,14,16,25
Assignment 4: (Due Wednesday Feb 25)
Section 6.1: page 311: 18,20.
Section 6.2: page 321: 2,6,20,38,44,54.
Assignment 5: (Due Friday Feb 27)
Section 6.3: page 329: 8,10,15,20.
Assignment 6: (Due Monday March 2)
Section 6.6: page354: 6,8,16,28,34 .
Assignment 7: (Due Wednesday March 4)
Section 6.6: page 354: 24,42,44,49.
Assignment 8: (Due Friday March 6)
Section 7.1: page 363: 2,6,11.
Assignment 9: (Due Monday March 16)
Section 7.2: page 372: 4,6,22.
Assignment 10: (Due Wednesday March 18)
Section 7.3: page 378: 4,12,13,18,30.
Assignment 11: (Due Friday March 20)
Section 7.4: page 385: 4,9,16.
Assignment 12: (Due Wednesday March 25)
Section 8.1: page 421: 10,12,14,20,28.
Assignment 13: (Due Monday March 30)
Section 8.1: page 421: 34,36.
Section 8.2: page 429: 10,14,24.
Assignment 14: (Due Friday April 3)
Section 8.2: page 429: 12,16,18,30.
Section 8.3: page 438: 6,7,11,12,18,28.
Assignment 15: (Due Monday April 6)
Section 8.3: page 438: 13,14,16,17,19,20.
Assignment 16: (Due Wednesday April 8)
In class practice problems.
Assignment 17: (Due Friday April 10)
Section 8.4: page 448: 4,6,8,19.
Assignment 18: (Due Monday April 13)
Section 8.4: page 448: 10,14,20 and 22.
Assignment 19: (Due Wednesday April 15)
Section 8.4: page 448: 24,28 and 31.
Assignment 20: (Due Wednesday April 22)
Section 8.6: page 458: 4,7,14,18.
Assignment 21: (Due Wednesday April 22)
Section 8.6: page 458: 4,7,14,18.
Assignment 22: (Due Monday April 27)
Section 8.7: page 471: 4,6,8,12.
Assignment 23: (Due Wednesday April 29)
Section 8.7: page 471: 16,30,53.
Assignment 24: (Due Saturday May 9)
Review problems for the final exam.
Week 1 January 19: Review Calculus I
Week 2 January 26: Inverse Functions
Week 3 February 2: Logarithmic Differentiation
Week 4 February 9: Review Chapter 5
Week 5 February 16: Midterm Exam I
Week 6 February 23: Integration Practice
Week 7 March 2: Partial Fractions
March 14: Spring Break
Week 8 March 16: Gabriel's horn and Gabriel's wedding cake
Week 9 March 23: Midterm Exam II
Week 10 March 30: Lists, Carpets and Bouncing balls
Week 11 April 6: Fun with Series
Week 12 April 13: It all adds up
Week 13 April 20: Midterm Exam III
Week 14 April 27: Final Exam Review
Quiz 1 January 26: Quiz I
Quiz 2 February 2: Quiz II
Quiz 3 February 9: Quiz III
Quiz 4 February 23: Quiz IV
Quiz 5 March 2: Quiz V
Quiz 6 March 16: Quiz VI
Quiz 7 March 30: Quiz VII
Quiz 8 April 6: Quiz VIII
Quiz 9 April 13: Quiz IX
Quiz 10 April 29: Quiz X
Class 1 Monday January 19: Review Calculus I
Class 2 Wednesday January 21: Section 5.1, Inverse Functions
Class 3 Friday January 23: Finish section 5.1, Inverse Functions
Class 4 Monday January 26: Section 5.2, Natural Logarithmic Function
Class 5 Wednesday January 28: Section 5.3, Natural Exponential Function
Class 6 Friday January 30: Section 5.4, General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Class 7 Monday February 2: Section 5.5, Exponential Growth and Decay
Class 8 Wednesday February 4: Section 5.6, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Class 9 Friday February 6: Finish 5.6 and start 5.8
Class 10 Monday February 9: Section 5.8, L'Hospital's Rule
Class 11 Wednesday February 11: Section 5.8, L'Hospital's Rule
Class 12 Friday February 13: Section 6.1, Integration by Parts
Class 13 Monday February 16: Section 6.2, Trigonometric Integrals
Class 14 Wednesday February 18: Section 6.2, Trigonometric Integrals
Class 15 Friday February 20: Section 6.2, Trigonometric Substitutions
Class 16 Monday February 23: Section 6.3, Partial Fractions
Class 17 Wednesday February 25: Section 6.3, Partial Fractions (continued)
Class 18 Friday February 27: Section 6.6, Improper Integrals
Class 19 Monday March 2: Section 6.6, Finished Improper Integrals
Class 20 Wednesday March 4: Section 7.1, Area between Curves
Class 21 Friday March 6: Section 7.2, Volumes
Class 22 Monday March 16: Section 7.3, Volumes by Cylindrical Shells
Class 23 Wednesday March 18: Section 7.4, Arc Length
Class 24 Friday March 20: Reviewed for the Midterm Exam 2
Class 25 Monday March 23: Section 8.1, Sequences
Class 26 Wednesday March 25: Finished Section 8.1 and started sectoin 8.2, Series
Class 27 Friday March 27: Section 8.2, Series
Class 28 Monday March 30: Started Section 8.3, Integral Test and Comparison Test
Class 29 Wednesday April 1: Finished Integral Test
Class 30 Friday April 3: Finished Comparison Test
Class 31 Monday April 6: Limit Comparison Test and we did reivew of 8.2 and 8.3.
Class 32 Wednesday April 8: Started Alternating series
Class 33 Friday April 10: Finished Alternating series and talked about 2 different types of convergence
Class 34 Monday April 13: Ratio Test and started 8.5 Power Series.
Class 35 Wednesday April 15: Finished 8.5 power series. (Finding interval of convergence and radius of convergence.)
Class 36 Friday April 17: Started section 8.6: Representation of Functions as Power Series. (Make use of geometric series to write power series.)
Class 37 Monday April 20: Still on section 8.6: Power series of f(x)=-ln(1-x) and f(x) = arctan(x).
Class 38 Wednesday April 22: Finished section 8.6.
Class 39 Friday April 24: Section 8.7: Derieved formula for Taylor and Maclauring Series.
Class 40 Monday April 27: Continued section 8.7: Some important Maclaurin series.
Class 41 Wednesday April 29: Finished section 8.7: Application of the power series.
Class 42 Friday May 1: Handed out the review problems for the final exam.