Invited Talks:
The arithmetic-periodicity of
CUT for C = {1,2*c},
Virtual Combinatorial Games Seminar,
November 16, 2022
The Card Guessing Game:
A generating function approach,
Combinatorics and Algebras
from A to Z, Virtual event,
July 26-29, 2021
Rado Numbers of Regular Non-homogeneous Equations,
1st Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics
and Application (GTCA 2019),
United Arab Emirates University(UAEU), Al Ain, UAE,
October 9-10, 2019
- On Average Length of the Games,
CARMA Workshop on Computer Aided Proof,
University of Newcastle, Australia,
June 2019
- A Probabilistic Two-Pile Game,
CARMA Workshop on Computer Aided Proof,
University of Newcastle, Australia,
June 2019
Moment Method on Ramsey Numbers,
"Ola Bratteli" Mathematical Physics Seminar
and Mathematics in Thailand Colloquium,
Thammasat University, Thailand, April 2018
Time for the New Ansatz (?),
23rd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra
, Session: Algorithmic Combinatorics,
Jerusalem, Israel, July 2017
Roles of Computer in Mathematics,
Thailand Science Fair,
Thailand, December 2016
- Finite State Method for Combinatorial Games,
Colloquia, Queens College, March 2008
- Finite State Method for Combinatorial Games,
Workshop on Combinatorial Game Theory, BIRS
Alberta, Canada, January 2008
- Computer-Generated Conjectures(!) and Proofs(!!)
in Combinatorial Game Theory (II), AMS
Special Session on Applications of Computer Algebra
in Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics,
Joint Mathematics Meetings San Diego, January 2008
Seminar Talks:
Two games on arithmetic functions:
Saliquant and Nontotient
, Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquia, Lisbon,
Portugal, February 1, 2025
A Nash Equilibrium of Two-player Indian Poker
(with additional explanation toward the end),
Math. Seminar, Mahidol University
International College (MUIC),
Thailand, March 20, 2024
The Kahn-Kalai conjecture in random graph theory,
Math. Seminar, Mahidol University
International College (MUIC),
Thailand, May 24, 2023
The Recent Amazing Result on
Union-Closed Sets Conjecture,
Math. Seminar, Mahidol University
International College (MUIC),
Thailand, February 22, 2023
Sequences: Polynomial, C-finite, Holonomic, ...,
Math. Seminar, Mahidol University
International College (MUIC),
Thailand, January 22, 2020
A Quantitative Study on Average
Number of Spins of Two-Player Dreidel,
Math. Seminar, Mahidol University
International College (MUIC),
Thailand, September 2019
It is Impossible to Solve Chomp(?),
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, March 2019
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®),
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, September 2018
Statistics of Domino Tilings on a Rectangular Board,
The Eighteenth International Conference on
Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada,
July 2018
- Boolean Function and Covering Systems,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, June 2018
The Curious Bounds of Floor Function Sums,
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2018,
San Diego, USA, January 2018
The Wholesale Combinatorialist,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, October 2017
Symmetric Functions and Identities
from Their Character Tables,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, May 2017
Asymptotic Analysis of Partition Function p(n),
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, February 2017
On the Minimum Number of Monochromatic
Generalized Schur Triples,
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2017,
Atlanta, USA, January 2017
On Arithmetic Combinatorics,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, October 2016
Generalized Fibonacci Numbers
with Matrix Method,
The Seventeenth Internatinal Conference on
Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications,
Universit´e de Caen-Normandie,
Caen, France, June/July 2016
Apery Miracle ,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, May 2016
Bijective Proof,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, January 2016
On Central Limit Theorem and Moment Calculus,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, November 2015
- Probabilistic Method,
Math. Seminar, MUIC,
Thailand, June 2015
- Schmidt’s Conjecture,
Combinatorics Seminar, RISC, Austria, March 2012
- Evaluating a Determinant ,
Combinatorics Seminar, RISC, Austria, June 2011
A Symbolic Finite State Approach to
Automated Theorem Proving
, Combinatorics Seminar,
RISC, Austria, December 2010
Math And Chess , Farewell Talk, Dickinson College,
April 2009
- When Harry met Sally ... ,
Graduate Student Combinatorics Seminar, Rutgers University,
October 2007
- Some fun with the minimum number of same
color Schur triples on [1,n], Graduate Student
Combinatorics Seminar, Rutgers University, October 2007
- Experimental Math and Ramsey Theory ,
Introduction to Mathematics at Rutgers (IMR),
Rutgers University, September 2007
Dancing with Toads and Frogs,
Experimental Mathematics seminar, Rutgers University,
January 2007
- On playing games, Graduate Pizza seminar,
Rutgers University, December 2006
- Ramsey Theory, Graduate Pizza seminar,
Rutgers University, January 2006